rescript-webapi ReScript bindings to the DOM and other Web APIs
rescript bindings web dom browser reason bucklescript
rescript-relay Use Relay with ReScript.
graphql relay relaymodern react reason reasonml rescript
bs-css Css types
bucklescript rescript reasonML css
rescript-debounce Debounce for ReScript
react rescript rescript-react reason reason-react reasonml ocaml bucklescript debounce
re-formality Form validation tool for @rescript/react
react rescript-react reason reason-react rescript reasonml ocaml bucklescript forms validation
rescript-classnames Reimplementation of classnames in ReScript
react rescript rescript-react reason reason-react reasonml ocaml bucklescript classnames
@mobily/stacks β‘ A set of useful components to help you build and maintain React Native (Web too) layouts with ease.
react-native react typescript rescript flow stacks layout ui
rescript-js > Bindings to the JS standard library
bs-css-emotion bs-css bindings for Emotion
emotion bucklescript rescript reasonML css
react-from-svg Transform SVG files into React components, Native and/or Web, JavaScript, TypeScript and ReScript. Without shitload of dependencies.
react-native-svg react-native-web react-native react rescript svg-to-react svg svgr-cli svgr
rescript-debounce-react Debounce hooks for @rescript/react
react rescript rescript-react reason reason-react reasonml ocaml bucklescript debounce
rescript-logger Logging implementation for ReScript
log logger logging rescript reason reasonml ocaml bucklescript
rescript-email-validator ReScript bindings for email-validator
reasonml reason rescript binding rescript-email-validator email-validator
rescript-json-schema π Typesafe JSON Schema for ReScript
rescript json schema openapi swagger typesafe codegen ajv
rescript-kotori supports rescript for kotori-bot
kotori chatbot kotori-plugin rescript
rescript-rest π΄ ReScript RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API
rest api trpc rpc contract http fetch rescript rescript-schema
@greenlabs/garter <img src="docs/garter.svg" alt="garter" width="200" height="200" align="right" />
rescript-jzon JSON encoding and decoding for ReScript
reason reasonml rescript json
@lozlow/reform Reasonably making forms with ReScript and React sound good
reason bucklescript react form rescript rescript-react rescript-forms rescript-react-forms rescript-reform reform
rescript-material-ui This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui.
rescript bindings material-ui
@jsiebern/bs-material-ui This library provides Reason bindings for material-ui.
bucklescript bucklescript-bindings reason reasonml reasonml-bindings ocaml material-ui rescript rescript-bindings reason-react
reason-react-native ReScript bindings for React Native.
rescript reason reasonml bucklescript react-native
create-rescript-app Quickly create new ReScript apps from project templates.
rescript bootstrap rescript rescript app rescript start
rescript-stripe πΈ Stripe Billing as a Config
rescript stripe billing config subscription saas
@rescript-mui/lab This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui-lab.
rescript bindings material-ui mui
rescript-embed-lang A general purpose PPX and library for embedding other languages into ReScript, via code generation.
rescript-openapi πΈοΈ Typesafe OpenAPI for ReScript
rescript openapi swagger json schema typesafe codegen
@rescript-mui/material This library provides ReScript bindings for material-ui (MUI).
rescript bindings material-ui mui
rescript-x A ReScript framework for building server-driven web sites and applications. Use familiar tech like JSX and the component model from React, combined with simple server driven client side technologies like HTMX. Built on Bun and Vite.
rescript-disable-eslint Enable web worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
rescript react create-react-app eject eslint cra rewired
highlightjs-rescript highlight.js syntax definition for ReScript programming language
rescript rescript-lang javascript highlight.js highlightjs syntax
bs-bem-cl Simple reimplementation of BEM class name generator in ReScript
reason reasonml ocaml bucklescript rescript bem class className
res-react-intl Reason/OCaml PPX generating ReactIntl `id` from `defaultMessage`
react-intl ppx reason-react rescript
bs-css-dom bs-css bindings for React DOM
bucklescript rescript reasonML css
rescript-worker-loader Enable web worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
rescript react create-react-app eject web-worker cra rewired worker
rescript-swr SWR bindings for ReScript
bucklescript reasonml rescript react swr
rescript-dnd Drag-n-drop for @rescript/react
react rescript rescript-react reason reason-react reasonml ocaml bucklescript ui dnd drag-n-drop
rescript-react-helmet ReScript bindings for React Helmet, a document head manager for React
rescript react react-dom head html html-head react-helmet
@rescriptbr/reform Reasonably making forms with ReScript and React sound good
reason bucklescript react form rescript rescript-react rescript-forms rescript-react-forms rescript-reform reform
@tilia/core π State management library, for simple minds.
rescript state state management tilia frp
rescript-push This package closely wraps the [Push API]( It does not include the Push API Service Worker Additions. Instead, it is a dependency of the `rescript-service-worker` package. It has not been exhaust
BuckleScript rescript pwa progressive-web-app
@rohea/re-polished ReScript port of Polished library for color manipulation
rescript bucklescript color
@tilia/react π React State Management with Tilia.
rescript react state state management tilia frp
rescript-json This package helps you convert between Rescript values and JSON values.
rescript json decode encode
rescript-chakra β‘οΈ ReScript bindings for @chakra-ui/react
rescript react chakra-ui ui-component bindings
remporium Redux inspired state management library for rescript-react
rescript redux react reactjs state management
react-rules-of-hooks-ppx ppx validates the rules of React hooks
reason ocaml ppx bucklescript rescript react hooks ppx reason-react
cnip-snippet cnip is a simple command-line snippet management tool.
rescript cli snippet
rescript rescript-react rescript ui library rescript ui primitives rescript unstyled components ui library layout primitives
reason-urql []( [](#contributors) []( [](#contributors) [.
csa-template reason-react rescript-react reasonml bucklescript rescript react
rescript-hash Secure Hash Algorithms for ReScript
reason bucklescript rescript hash crypto cryptography md5 sha sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512
rescript-smooth A rescript configuration for smooth React Apps
alias automatic babel baseUrl browserslist class className eslint for html htmlFor import jsconfig jsconfig.json mapping module path postcss react rename require rescript resolve root tsconfig tsconfig.json
react-grid-dashboard React component for a grid layout within fixed width / height. Usefull for dashboards or full screen web applications.
rescript reason-react reasonml typescript grid css-grid
@jvlk/rescript-fresh ReScript bindings and utils for [Fresh](
rescript deno fresh
dogumentation Build a dogumentation for you Rescript React components
bs-css-fela bs-css bindings for Fela
fela bucklescript rescript reasonML css
tarantula-fl  []( [ reason database
res-date-fns ReScript bindings to date-fns
reason reasonml bucklescript rescript date-fns
@glennsl/rescript-geojson Simple GeoJSON decoder library for ReScript based on @glennsl/rescript-json-combinators.
rescript geojson geo json @glennsl/rescript-json-combinators
rescript-reanimated ReScript bindings for react-native-reanimated v2
rescript react-native react-native-reanimated
unplugin-rescript a plugin for integration ReScript with most Bundler (Vite, Rollup, Webpack, Esbuild, etc).
plugins unplugin vite webpack rollup transform farm rescript
rescript-throttle Throttle for ReScript
react rescript rescript-react reason reason-react reasonml ocaml bucklescript throttle
@reason-react-native/paper ReScript bindings for react-native-paper.
rescript reason reasonml bucklescript react-native react-native-paper
@cvr/expo-template-rescript This is the Expo template that allows you to build mobile applications with use of ReasonML/ReScript.
expo reasonml rescript react react-native
rescript-ink ReScript bindings for Ink
rescript reasonml bucklescript react cli
@expln/utils The only official ReScript starter template.
rescript-throttle-react Throttle hooks for @rescript/react
react rescript rescript-react reason reason-react reasonml ocaml bucklescript throttle
rescript-js-map ReScript bindings to the native JavaScript Map data type
rescript bindings map
@reason-react-native/webview ReScript bindings for react-native-webview.
rescript reason reasonml bucklescript react-native react-native-webview webview
elm-pen Generate your own Elm modules
rescript-http A lightweight HTTP client library for ReScript, designed to be used immediately.
rescript fetch http client lightweight axios superagent request
reason-react-navigation ReScript bindings for react-navigation.
rescript reason reasonml bucklescript react-native react-navigation
@mikrav/bs-platform ReScript compiler, OCaml standard libary by ReScript and its required runtime support
ocaml rescript stdlib functional programming
rescript rescript-react rescript ui library rescript ui primitives rescript unstyled components ui library layout primitives
rescript-fp-core A standard library for ReScript with a focus on Functional Programming
rescript functional programming
@reason-react-native/keychain ReScript / Reason bindings for react-native-keychain
rescript reason reasonml bucklescript react-native reason-react-native react-native-keychain keychain
listboxkit Small and flexible React hooks for building custom and accessible listbox components.
rescript react listbox select dropdown
res-logger Logging implementation for ReScript
log logger logging rescript reason reasonml ocaml bucklescript
rescript-linaria ReScript bindings to Linaria
rescript linaria react reason-react reason reasonml ocaml bucklescript
rescript-service-worker-loader Enable service-worker-loader for your create-react-app project.
rescript react create-react-app eject web-worker cra rewired worker
@reason-react-native/checkbox ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/checkbox.
rescript reason reasonml bucklescript react-native react-native-checkbox checkbox
rescript-docx ReScript bindings for the docx.js lib
rescript docx rescript-bindings rescript-wrapper
rescript-vector Persistent Vector implemenetation in ReScript
rescript data-structure immutable vector
snowpack-rescript-react []( [](
csa-template snowpack rescript react
@reason-react-native/template React Native template for application developed with ReScript.
rescript reason reasonml bucklescript react-native react-native-template
melange-deps Install lastest version of dev esy.json for melange-re/melange with npx
esy reason native ocaml reason reasonml melange-re melange bucklescript cli rescript
rescript-discordjs <div align="center"> <br /> <p> <a href=""><img src="" width="546" alt="discord.js" /></a> </p> <br /> <p> <a href=""><img src="https:/